Self-isolation is the order of the day & our homes should be our sanctuary, safe haven & place of retreat to deal with these uncertain times. But is it? …
I’ve been fascinated with how my current ‘home’ is having to adapt to this new living arrangement of being 24/7… normally my sofa is sat on once a week, my kitchen obliges with the occasional kettle usage, my bathroom is a place for speedy showers & hasty make-up application! But now I’m spending actual real time living in my current home & I’m re-evaluating…
What makes a home feel comforting? In these times of enforced self-isolation what does a home need to soothe away the stress & worry?
Well key things I’ve appreciated more than ever are all the basics… a fabulous mattress with soft white bedding, a log-fire to stare at, a huggable arm chair to sink in to, countryside views & great internet to connect to the outside world (I’m not a complete romantic!)
So rather than focusing on square footage & cliché design – I’m going to challenge myself to design with what feelings I want to evoke… energised-soothed-mindful-cocooned-sensual-purposeful-relaxed-sociable-safe-healthy-indulgent.
So we’ll see -I’ll either be sectioned or successful – in the grand scheme of life as we currently know it, I don’t think anyone will judge me too harshly!
Stay safe & Look after each other x